Empowering Choice and Control: The Heart of NDIS - Kinkera Community

Empowering Choice and Control: The Heart of NDIS

At Kinkera Community, we believe in the foundational principle of the National Disability Insurance Scheme – to offer participants the authority and autonomy to navigate their lives. Understanding that every individual’s journey is unique, we advocate for your right to make personal decisions regarding the support you receive.

The essence of participant choice and control lies in the freedom to select supports that align with your needs and aspirations. It’s about the comfort of deciding how, when, and by whom your supports are delivered. This choice extends to the management of your plan funding, ensuring you are at the helm of your support journey.

Choosing a support provider is a significant step, and it’s one that should be made without any sense of obligation. If your current provider is not meeting your expectations or acting in your best interests, remember, you are not bound to continue with their services. You deserve a partner in support who listens, adapts, and respects your decisions.

At Kinkera Community, we are dedicated to maintaining the separation of accommodation from direct supports. As a Specialist Disability Accommodation provider, our role is to ensure that your living space is more than just a place to stay – it’s a foundation for you to build upon. This separation is critical; it avoids any conflict of interest that might arise if your support provider also acts as your landlord. In essence, it’s about providing a secure and supportive environment where your choices and independence are always respected.

We are here to empower you, offering guidance and support while firmly upholding your right to choice and control. Kinkera Community is more than a community; it’s a catalyst for the life you choose to lead. We’re here to ensure that your voice is heard, your choices are honoured, and your control over your life is unwavering.

Don’t hesitate to reach out should we ever be able to assist. #thisismyhome